Interdependent Emptiness | Yangten Rinpoche Q&A

Interdependent Emptiness | Yangten Rinpoche Q&A In this session, Ajahn Kovilo and Ajahn Nisabho interview Venerable Yangten Rinpoche, touching on such topics as the experience and value of monastic life, prayer and karma, emptiness and interdependence, bodhicitta,...

The Dhamma of Michelangelo | Ajahn Jayasāro

The Dhamma of Michelangelo | Ajahn Jayasāro In this talk, Ajahn Jayasāro speaks about how we often find our way to peace in practice not by striving for a state we have yet to experience, but by letting go of all that is not peace, just as a sculptor chips away all...

The Worst Zen Story Ever | Ajahn Jayasāro Q&A

The Worst Zen Story Ever | Ajahn Jayasāro Q&A In this Q&A session at Clear Mountain, Ajahn Jayasaro speaks about religion as belief vs. education system, balancing compassion and ethics, and a multitude of other topics. The talk, part of Tan Ajahn’s...

Diligence for Awakening | Ayya Suvijjānā

Diligence for Awakening | Ayya Suvijjānā In this talk, Ayya Suvijjānā speaks about the quality of appamāda, or “diligence”, on the path to liberation of heart. To find out more about Passaddhi Vihara, the budding project of Ayya Suvijjānā and Ayyā...

Bodhisattvas and Boundless Buddho | Ajahn Anan

Bodhisattvas and Boundless Buddho | Ajahn Anan In this session, Clear Mountain’s community is joined by the renowned forest master, Ajahn Anan, a close disciple of Luang Por Chah and abbot of Wat Marp Jan monastery. For more information about Ajahn Anan and Wat...

Cultivating the Unhindered Mind | Ajahn Nisabho

Cultivating the Unhindered Mind | Ajahn Nisabho In this talk, Ajahn Nisabho describes the Five Hindrances to calm (“Nīvarana”), and how to move past them to the luminous mind. The Suttas quoted describing the hindrances include SN 46.55, the Sangarava...

Healing Kundalini Syndrome | Tara Springett Q&A

Healing Kundalini Syndrome | Tara Springett Q&A In this session, Ajahn Nisabho interviews Tara Springett, a meditation teacher specializing in “Kundalini Awakening”, about meditation-induced spiritual crisis, side effects of expansion of consciousness,...

What is Grace in Buddhism? | Ajahn Nisabho

What is Grace in Buddhism? | Ajahn Nisabho In this talk, Ajahn Nisabho speaks about grace as a movement through the Four Noble Truths. To move from the dark night of the first to the peace of the third requires the qualities of patient endurance, faith, and gratitude....

Insights from Abbotting | Ajahn Ñāṇiko

Insights from Abbotting | Ajahn Ñāṇiko In this session, Ajahn Kovilo interviews Ajahn Ñāniko, abbot of Abhayagiri Monastery on the topics of “Insights from Abbotting” and a few lessons from woodwork Podcast & YouTube Play &...