Jan. ’24: Winter Retreat, Interfaith Event, & More Visiting Teachers Than You Can Shake an Incense Stick At…

Jan 18, 2024 | Newsletters

Dear Clear Mountaineers,

The New Year begins with notes of sadness alongside the bright. The body Geshe Dadul, the senior teacher at Sravasti Abbey who’d gone missing several months ago, was recently found. Sravasti Abbey’s reflections on how to navigate the death may be found in their recent post “Nourishing Practice Because a Friend Just Died.” We hold them all in our hearts.

Light comes alongside such loss, however, and, as Clear Mountain enters 2024, its third year, we have much to celebrate. Below, you’ll find joyful announcements of visiting teachers, including Ven. Candā, Ayyā Ānandabodhī, Ajahn Jayasāro, Luang Por Pasanno, Ayyā Santussikā and Ayyā Cittānandā, & more! Also, we have a really great new photo album : )

We rejoice to watch this community grow, even in the coldest season. Find the full update on the website here.

May all beings be well!

Jan. 18 – April 18: Ajahn Nisabho Enters 3 Months of Winter Retreat!

The Buddha required monastics to, for three months of every year, stay in one location and put aside traveling for a time. Though formally the Rains Retreat, or vassa, takes place during India’s monsoon season, in the US and Europe, a similar period of retreat is generally observed during the quiet winter months. As a time of practice and study, it represents an important period of stepping back for monastics during which they can focus on formal meditation.

Clear Mountain’s monastics maintain this tradition, and Ajahn Nisabho will be observing the Winter Retreat for approximately three months from Jan. 16th – April 16th. While he’ll still attend alms round, Saturday gatherings, and Wednesday Livestreams, he will step back as much as possible from all other commitments, events, and online communication. The encouragement many of you have given for the monastics to look after their practice through such periods of retreat and pulling back has been deeply heartening. Sadhu!

Emails or communication can be sent to the monastery email steward at [email protected].

“These are the roots of trees,” the Buddha said, “O bhikkhus, these are empty huts. Meditate, bhikkhus, do not be negligent, or else you will regret it later. This is our instruction to you.”

The final few months of 2023 were filled with faith and friendship, with visits from guest teachers, a trip to China, and even an All-Night Meditation Vigil to bring in the new year!

Full Album

Join us for a morning of meditation, Dhamma, and a Q&A with honored guests Ven. Candā, visiting from the England, & Ayyā Ānandabodhī, visiting from nearby Port Townsend! The visit represents a precious chance to hear from two of the most well-respected bhikkhuni teachers alive today; we hope to see you there!

Event Listing

We invite you to a Dhamma talk followed by questions & answers with Ajahn Jayasāro at University Friends Meeting, on Friday evening, May 3rd, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. The event, co-hosted by Seattle Insight Meditation Society and Clear Mountain Monastery, represents a growing friendship.

Event Listing

Join us for a morning of meditation, Dhamma reflections, and questions & answers with honored guest Ajahn Jayasāro! Known worldwide for his lucid and compassionate teachings, Ajahn Jayasāro will be joining Clear Mountain for a special extended teaching Saturday, May 4th. 

Event Listing

Clear Mountain and Saint Mark’s Cathedral invite you to a special night of interfaith harmony at St. Mark’s Cathedral in the spirit of Taizé with— a gathering of meditation, chants from the Pāḷi Canon, Christian song, and readings from both traditions. The gathering explores parallels between Christian “Fruits of the Spirit” and traditional Buddhist virtues. Inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh’s “Living Buddha, Living Christ”, the gathering represents the friendship of the Clear Mountain & Saint Mark’s communities.”

An accompanying interfaith dialogue discussing the two traditions’ resonance will be held before the event, on Sunday, May 12th, following the 9 am service at Saint Mark’s.

From St. Mark’s Cathedral:
“Tonight’s prayer service meditates on the parallels between each “fruit of the Spirit” and a corresponding “Dhamma” from Buddhist scripture. Each section is prefaced with a brief background to the concepts, and one Reading and one Chant are paired with each fruit of the Spirit or Dhamma.”

Event Listing

Though the Buddha repeatedly emphasized joy, or pāmojja, as an essential aspect of the path to awakening, many of us find our sitting practice lacking brightness. By exploring different routes to joy (paths to pāmojja), especially those emphasizing meditation on breath, loving-kindness, and objects of faith, the retreat aims to help participants rediscover happiness in their practice.


Ajahn Nisabho and Ajahn Kovilo will offer talks, meditation instructions, and interviews. This retreat is suitable for meditators of all experience levels. Join for two days of meditation and teachings, 9 am – 5 pm on Saturday, June 8th, and Sunday, June 9th, at the Twisp Valley Grange in Twisp, WA (344 W 2nd Ave, Twisp, WA).


Note that Clear Mountain’s weekly Saturday gathering in Seattle will still be held as usual with Ajahn Kovilo present.

Event Listing

Join us for a Dhamma talk followed by questions & answers with Ayya Santussikā, Ayya Cittānandā, Ajahn Kovilo & Ajahn Nisabho! Co-founders of Karuna Buddhist Vihara, respected teachers, and long-time friends and advisors of Clear Mountain, Ayya Santussikā, Ayya Cittānandā are known for their compassionate teachings grounded in practice and the early Discourses.

Event Listing

Join us for a Dhamma talk followed by questions & answers with Luang Por Pasanno, Ajahn Kovilo, & Ajahn Nisabho at University Friends Meeting, on Friday evening, June 28th, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. The event, co-hosted by Seattle Insight Meditation Society and Clear Mountain Monastery represents a growing friendship.

Event Listing

Join the Clear Mountain community from 9:30 am – 2 pm on Sat. June 29th, in celebrating the past three years of a growing community, gathering support for the next phase of the monastery, and welcoming Luang Por Pasanno, founder of Abhayagiri Buddhist monastery, Ayyā Ānandabodhī co-founder of Aloka Vihara, along with other visiting monastics (to be announced)!

Event Listing