Clear Mountain
An Aspiring Buddhist Forest Monastery in the Greater Seattle Area
Clear Mountain
An Aspiring Buddhist Forest Monastery in the Greater Seattle Area
A New Center of Dhamma Practice in the Pacific Northwest
The aim of Clear Mountain is the founding of a Buddhist monastery and community. In Theravāda Buddhism and within the Early Buddhist Texts, the forest tradition represents a return to the simple way of life taught by the Buddha. Monastics aspire to live as the early disciples did: dwelling in the forest, studying the teachings, and devoting themselves to meditation. Monks, nuns, and laity exist in a relationship of mutual generosity, in which they support one another on the Buddha’s path towards complete liberation of the heart — Nibbāna.
Clear Mountain’s first monastics, Ajahn Kovilo and Ajahn Nisabho, currently live on the quiet periphery of Seattle, going for alms most mornings at the Pike Place Market. On Saturday mornings, those interested gather at Amistad School’s Skinner Auditorium by St. Mark’s Cathedral for meditation and a teaching. As faithful come together, a new community based on the mutual generosity and interdependence of monastics and local Buddhists may begin to grow.
When property is eventually found, Clear Mountain hopes to create a home for monastics that also supports a range of activities common to Theravāda Buddhism – pujas (chanting and meditation), sutta and Pali study, online and public teachings, meal offerings, and observance of the Buddhist holy days. Additionally, the community aspires to serve as a retreat where men and women can come practice for short or long periods, all lodging and teaching offered freely in the spirit of Dhamma.
If you would like to be part of the Clear Mountain community and help support this aspiration, you may attend our virtual or local events, follow us on YouTube and Facebook, join us on Discord, or sign up for our newsletter. If you live in the greater Seattle area, you may also join our “Mitta Meetups” Community Calendar and WhatsApp group for locals. Welcome!
Latest Talk
Latest Writing
Infinite Space, Infinite Mind: The Gradual Descent Into Emptiness | Francisco Gable & Rachel Lewis
In this session, Ajahn Kovilo and Ajahn Nisabho interview Francisco Gable and Rachel Lewis about the practices of compassion and emptiness, especially as taught by Bhante Analayo.
Thus Should You Train Yourselves | Evañhi Vo Sikkhitabbaṃ
An exhaustive survey of the Buddha’s exhortations from the Pāli Canon addressed in the form “Thus … should you train yourselves” (“Evañhi vo … sikkhitabbaṃ”), organized by theme and roughly following the gradual path taught in the Mahā-Assapurasutta (MN 39).
In the Theravāda Buddhist tradition there exists a lovely, deeply rooted interdependence—built on respect for practice and generosity—between the monastics and the lay community. Your open-hearted support allows monks the opportunity to devote their lives to meditation and right practice (sammā-paṭipadā) in a forest refuge while those in the lay community benefit from their teachings. Clear Mountain also aspires to provide a place of retreat for sincere practitioners and center of practice for the wider Buddhist community. Whether donating funds, giving daily alms, or volunteering, there are many ways in which one may lend support. We rejoice in your generosity! Sadhu!
May all beings be well.
2024 – A Summer of Sangha!
Summer brought Clear Mountain many occasions to celebrate, from the annual Robe Offering Ceremony, to visits from monastic brothers and sisters! The community even got to welcome Ajahn Kovilo back to Seattle after his graduation from Dharma Realm Buddhist University – Sadhu!
April Showers bring May… Ajahn Jayasāro!
In May of 2024, Clear Mountain had the rare opportunity to welcome Ajahn Jayasāro, one of the most senior Western disciples of Ajahn Chah. The week’s events—from a large gathering at Fauntleroy Church to an early-morning alms round at Pike Place, allowed the community to see and celebrate its flourishing, and encounter a great teacher’s kindness, humor, and wisdom.
Harmony’s Harvest: Autumn & Beyond at Clear Mountain
The final few months of 2023 were filled with faith and friendship, with visits from guest teachers, a trip to China, and even an All-Night Meditation Vigil to bring in the new year!