Dhamma Talks

“His Holiness is a Living Sūtra” & Other Reflections on Emptiness | Yangten Rinpoche Q&A

In this interview, Ajahn Kovilo and Ajahn Nisabho ask Yangten Rinpoche about what is required to receive a Geshe degree, the nature of Emptiness, what Theravāda and Mahāyāna can learn from one another, and reflections from his years working as His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s assistant. Ven. Thubten Damcho generously served as the translator.


Paying Attention to the Foundations | Luang Por Pasanno

Paying Attention to the Foundations | Luang Por PasannoIn this talk from the June 30th "CM3" Almsgiving Ceremony at St. Mark's Cathedral - Seattle, Luang Por Pasanno speaks about the foundations of practice - generosity (dāna), integrity (sīla), and mental cultivation...

Puñña: A Nectar of Goodness | Ayyā Ānandabodhi

Puñña: A Nectar of Goodness | Ayyā Ānandabodhi In this talk from the June 30th "CM3" Almsgiving Ceremony at St. Mark's Cathedral - Seattle, Ayyā Ānandabodhi speaks about the power of "puñña" or "merit" as being the nectar of goodness.

Ordaining, Remaining, & Training in Robes | Luang Por Pasanno Q&A

Ordaining, Remaining, & Training in Robes | Luang Por Pasanno Q&A In this session, Ajahn Kovilo and Ajahn Nisabho interview Luang Por Pasanno, founding abbot of Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery, about lessons gained from four decades of training monastics.

Life of a Lay Yogi | Richard Josephson Q&A

Life of a Lay Yogi | Richard Josephson Q&AIn this session, Ajahn Kovilo interviews the lay yogi, Richard Josephson discussing life in robes, life out of robes, and life in between.

The Neuroscientist & the Afterlife | Eben Alexander, MD Q&A

The Neuroscientist & the Afterlife | Eben Alexander, MD Q&AIn this session, Ajahn Kovilo and Ajahn Nisabho interview Dr. Eben Alexander, author of the New York Times Best Seller, "Proof of Heaven", about the near-death experience he had while in a coma, and...

Escaping the Dominant Culture… “Because They Sell-fish”

Escaping the Dominant Culture... "Because They Sell-fish"In this talk, Ajahn Kovilo discusses the Clear Mountain community as being an example of the six principles of non-decline (aparihāniyā dhamma), also known as the six principles of cordiality (sāraṇīya-dhammā):...

Saddhā and the Five Faculties | Ayyā Suvijjānā

Saddhā and the Five Faculties | Ayyā SuvijjānāTo find out more about Passaddhi Vihara, the budding project of Ayya Suvijjānā and Ayyā Niyyānika, visit https://passaddhivihara.org/.

How Do I Make My Theravāda a Mahā-yāna? | Ajahn Kovilo

How Do I Make My Theravāda a Mahā-yāna? | Ajahn KoviloIn this session, a continuation of his series summarizing his experience at Dharma Realm Buddhist University, Ajahn Kovilo speaks on attachment to views, specifically to Right Views as they are understood in a...

The Dhamma of Michelangelo | Ajahn Jayasāro

The Dhamma of Michelangelo | Ajahn JayasāroIn this talk, Ajahn Jayasāro speaks about how we often find our way to peace in practice not by striving for a state we have yet to experience, but by letting go of all that is not peace, just as a sculptor chips away all the...

Becoming Sensitive to Goodness | Ajahn Jayasāro Q&A

Becoming Sensitive to Goodness | Ajahn Jayasāro Q&AIn this Q&A session at Clear Mountain, Ajahn Jayasaro speaks about the nature of Right Effort, how to maintain a continuity of mindfulness throughout the day, and the increasing sensitivity to goodness that...

The Worst Zen Story Ever | Ajahn Jayasāro Q&A

The Worst Zen Story Ever | Ajahn Jayasāro Q&AIn this Q&A session at Clear Mountain, Ajahn Jayasaro speaks about religion as belief vs. education system, balancing compassion and ethics, and a multitude of other topics. The talk, part of Tan Ajahn's recent...

A Theravādin Monk Odyssey Through Academia | Ajahn Kovilo

A Theravādin Monk Odyssey Through Academia | Ajahn KoviloIn this session, Ajahn Kovilo introduces a series of four upcoming talks that will address four specific spheres of insight that he has encountered over the course of having studied four years at Dharma Realm...

Diligence for Awakening | Ayya Suvijjānā

Diligence for Awakening | Ayya SuvijjānāIn this talk, Ayya Suvijjānā speaks about the quality of appamāda, or "diligence", on the path to liberation of heart. To find out more about Passaddhi Vihara, the budding project of Ayya Suvijjānā and Ayyā Niyyānika, visit...

Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide & the First Precept | Ajahn Nisabho

Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide & the First Precept | Ajahn NisabhoIn this talk, Ajahn Nisabho speaks about the Buddhist understanding of euthanizing pets and "legally-assisted dying", describing how the traditional view diverges from the current liberal consensus in...

What Lies Beyond Dhamma’s Door | Clear Mountain Community

What Lies Beyond Dhamma’s Door | Clear Mountain CommunityIn this Community Stories session, Sid, Cristina, Robert, Sameer, David, Peter, Emily, Janaky, Tommy, speak about how they came to the Dhamma, and how it's changed their lives over the years.

Bodhisattvas and Boundless Buddho | Ajahn Anan

Bodhisattvas and Boundless Buddho | Ajahn AnanIn this session, Clear Mountain's community is joined by the renowned forest master, Ajahn Anan, a close disciple of Luang Por Chah and abbot of Wat Marp Jan monastery. For more information about Ajahn Anan and Wat Marp...

The Joy of Less: 13 Dhutanga Practices | Ajahn Nisabho

The Joy of Less: 13 Dhutanga Practices | Ajahn NisabhoIn this talk, Ajahn Nisabho discusses tudong, the dhutaṅga practices, and ideas to make them (or analogues) applicable in lay life. Renunciation does not have to be a dry relinquishment of happiness, but an embrace...

Compassion in Times of War & Dietary Ethics | Bhante Sathi

Compassion in Times of War & Dietary Ethics | Bhante SathiIn this interview, Ajahn Kovilo and Ajahn Nisabho speak with Bhante Sathi of Triple Gem of the North about growing up in Sri Lanka during civil war and his work with Dharma Voices for Animals...

Beyond the Five Aggregates & the Vortex of Self | Ajahn Nisabho

Beyond the Five Aggregates & the Vortex of Self | Ajahn NisabhoIn this talk, Ajahn Nisabho speaks about the 5 Khandhas, or aggregates of clinging, described by the Buddha as the subjective constituents of our sense of self. Letting go of 1) form (rupa), 2)...

To Bow Like Ajahn Chah & Listen Like Guan Yin | Thanissara Q&A

To Bow Like Ajahn Chah & Listen Like Guan Yin | Thanissara Q&AIn this session, Ajahn Kovilo and Ajahn Nisabho interview the Dharma teacher and founder of Dharmagiri Sacred Mountain Retreat Center, Thanissara. The session touches on Thanissara's experiences...

Cultivating the Unhindered Mind | Ajahn Nisabho

Cultivating the Unhindered Mind | Ajahn NisabhoIn this talk, Ajahn Nisabho describes the Five Hindrances to calm ("Nīvarana"), and how to move past them to the luminous mind. The Suttas quoted describing the hindrances include SN 46.55, the Sangarava Sutta and MN 39,...

Finding the Breath in the Body | Ajahn Kovilo & Ajahn Nisabho

Finding the Breath in the Body | Ajahn Kovilo & Ajahn NisabhoIn this session, Ajahn Kovilo and Ajahn Nisabho discuss the intersection between breath meditation (ānāpānassati) and mindfulness directed toward the body (kāyagatāssati).

Lighten Up: The Playful Path to Samādhi | Ajahn Nisabho

Lighten Up: The Playful Path to Samādhi | Ajahn NisabhoIn this talk, Ajahn Nisabho speaks about how to cultivate the luminous mind through a playful approach in meditation, utilizing both a primary focused object, such as the breath, alongside a secondary object, such...

Grieving for Loved Ones | Clear Mountain Community

Grieving for Loved Ones | Clear Mountain CommunityIn this "Community Stories" session, Clear Mountain members Jessica, Sid, Mary, Axel, Jon, Sarah, Damien, Joseph, Liem, Samek, and JT speak about what the Dhamma has meant to them, and how it's helped them move through...

Zen and the Art of Buddhist Chaplaincy | Zenshin Dillon Balmaceda

Zen and the Art of Buddhist Chaplaincy | Zenshin Dillon BalmacedaIn this session, Ajahn Kovilo speaks with his friend and fellow Dharma Realm Buddhist University student, Zenshin Dillon Balmaceda about his work doing Buddhist Chaplaincy including hospice work and...

Pride, Prejudice, & Putting Down the Grapes of Wrath | Ajahn Nisabho

Pride, Prejudice, & Putting Down the Grapes of Wrath | Ajahn NisabhoIn this talk, Ajahn Nisabho speaks about ways to counter anger and aversion, cultivating forgiveness and an understanding of conditionality instead. The "Eight Verses of Mind Training" referenced...