New Year’s Eve All-Night Meditation Vigil, Buddhist Nonviolent Communication Study Group, & More!

Nov 25, 2023 | Newsletters

Beginning at 7 pm on New Year’s Eve, Clear Mountain will host an all-night meditation vigil to celebrate the past year and set our aspiration together for the future.The evening, held in-person at Fauntleroy Church, 9140 California Ave SW, Seattle, and online via Zoom and YouTube livestream, will feature meditation, monastic teachings, and traditional chanting of 108 Itipi So homages. Though the gathering will continue through the night, participants may leave at any point. There will also be coffee and rooms to nap, if need be!

Event Listing

New Buddhist Nonviolent Communication Study & Practice Group based on Oren Jay Sofer’s “Say What You Mean” (In-Person & Zoom)

Several community members are forming a new study group based around Oren Jay Sofer’s wonderful book, “Say What You Mean“. The group would be open to remote and in-person participants, so no need to be in Seattle! Coincidentally, we just published an interview we did with Oren Jay Sofer.


Their invitation: “We invite active Clear Mountaineers to join us in a “Say What You Mean” study group. Good interpersonal communication is vitally important in daily life and will be essential to the Clear Mountain Monastery project. In Say What You Mean (SWYM), Oren Jay Sofer introduces us to Theravada Buddhism-influenced nonviolent communication. The group will explore SWYM in 12 monthly meetings (in-person and Zoom) beginning in January, 2024.  In addition, participants will match up with practice partners and meet weekly to practice implementing the lessons from the book.  

Interested? Email Matt Warning at [email protected].

Clear Mountain’s LinkTree

Over the past seven months, Clear Mountain’s community has been meditating together on the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha, and reciting the traditional Pali mantra of refuge, aspiring to “gather” 10 million recitations. The traditional Pali mantra: “Buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi, Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi, Saṅghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi,” meaning, “To the Buddha… Dhamma… Sangha I go for refuge”, is often recited under one’s breath or silently throughout the day and counted on a string of mala beads. Recollecting the Triple Gem—the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha—recalling their qualities and deepening our refuge, brings joy to the heart and helps purify the mind. We then dedicate the goodness of our virtuous actions to the awakening of all beings. Simultaneously, we dedicate this goodness to the creation of Clear Mountain Monastery, a spiritual refuge for all.

To recite the the mantra 108 times, or one round on a long Clear Mountain Mala, takes approximately ten minutes, and represents a powerful, daily reminder of our faith. A video of how to use malas in practice may be found here. Together, let’s continue the Recitation of Refuge. Sadhu!

Through the efforts of community around the world, we’ve passed 800,000 mantras! You may join (and, if you haven’t yet, request a free, blessed, Clear Mountain mala) by clicking the link below.

Recitations of Refuge Page
Full Talk
Full Talk