A String of Belonging: Clear Mountain Malas (Finally Finished!)

Apr 24, 2023 | Newsletters

On Clear Mountain’s recent pilgrimage to Thailand and India, we had local agate beads blessed by senior teachers and determined by the community under the Bodhi Tree. Over the past few months, we’ve worked to finish, adjust, and in many cases restring, the malas made from these beads so they might serve as gifts of faith for all who’ve joined us over these past two years. The physical article of belonging seems especially important in allowing those who don’t live nearby to understand that they are part of Clear Mountain’s community and vision.

Among other things, people may use the mala help Clear Mountain “gather” 10,000,000 Recitations of Refuge, an accumulation of blessings for what the monastery may someday be. For a description of how to use malas in practice, see Ajahn Kovilo’s recent talk, Malas in Daily Life.

Finally, you may draw closer to the community, even from abroad, by joining Clear Mountain’s online Community or submitting your photo, name, city, and a short Dhamma quote to [email protected] for our Community Page.

These malas are made with love and given freely. If you live in Seattle, please come by the Saturday gathering and we’ll give you one in-person! Otherwise, please feel free to request one by clicking here.

We rejoice in the beauty of what’s come together these past two years, and continues to grow.