New Daily 5 am Online Meditation, Saturday Gatherings now also on Zoom, & Introducing Friends of Clear Mountain

Jul 3, 2022 | Newsletters

Dear friends, Clear Mountain is expanding its online offerings and also initiating some exciting organizational changes. Below, you’ll find details. We’re happy see such a wonderful community growing!

5 am Every Day: New Daily Morning Group Meditation (Online)

Clear Mountain Monastery is happy to be expanding our digital monastery presence with daily group Morning Meditation via Zoom from 5:00 am to 5:30 am. The Zoom room will be open to everyone and all are welcome to join for the entirety or for part of that time and to have your cameras either on or off. Without chanting or group conversation, the Zoom room will be muted for all and will be a place for simply sitting “together” from the comfort of our own spaces. Ajahn Kovilo will be present for most all sittings with his camera on, serving as a kind recollection of Sangha. Join our Morning Zoom Meditation any or every morning here.

Saturday Gatherings Now Also on Zoom

Those joining Clear Mountain’s weekly 9:30 am Saturday morning meditation, teaching, and Q&A remotely may now do so via Zoom as well as via YouTube livestream. In order to create a more intimate experience for its remote community, Clear Mountain has worked to organize a Zoom setup where online participants may ask questions, join the discussion, and participate in the community in a more direct way. While the meetings will continue to be livestreamed via YouTube, we hope you’ll join us via the more intimate medium of Zoom, where we can all see one another and deepen the bonds of Clear Mountain’s growing community. You can find more information and the Zoom link here.

Introducing “Friends of Clear Mountain”, steward organization for Clear Mountain Monastery!

From Kim Tull-Esterbook,
President, Friends of Clear Mountain

Dear Friends,

Last summer while on a call with my meditation mentor, checking in about my meditation practice, I kept coming up against a feeling that something was missing. I wanted real teachers and a group of spiritual friends to grow with and learn from. I had a deep longing for Sangha. My mentor said that she thought what I was looking for was a connection to the living Dhamma and suggested I look for a monastic to sit with. A quick internet search later and I came across the Clear Mountain Monastery Project. A few days afterwards, I showed up at Volunteer Park and I have been practicing happily with the Clear Mountain community since that day!

It is absolutely true that the monastic presence was a big piece of what I was longing for. There is a difficult to describe, but not so subtle quality when you are sitting with a guide whose entire life is dedicated to the Dhamma. I have come to understand that the community of support that enables that absorption into living the practice so fully is a crucial ingredient in what makes that living presence available.

I am happy to announce that a supporting organization, Friends of Clear Mountain, has been set up to preserve the monastic tradition…. (Read More)

You can visit the new site of Friends of Clear Mountain here.

Finally, please see Clear Mountain’s calendar for a list of other upcoming events and teachings!

Truly, this path leads to a field of blessings.

May you all be well,
In the Dhamma,
Tan Nisabho, Ajahn Kovilo, and the Clear Mountain Community