Summer Retreats & Teachings: Bhante Suddhāso, Ajahn Kovilo, Ayyā Santussikā, Ayyā Cittānandā, Ayyā Somā, Tan Nisabho, & More!

Jun 8, 2022 | Newsletters

Throughout this winter and monastic retreat, Clear Mountain’s community continued to grow and the bonds of those involved deepen. The seasons have been blessed so far, and there is more to come; summer has arrived, and we have a great lineup of guest teachers, events, and retreats for you.

Sun. July 10th – Bojjanghas in Bellingham (and Online!): A Monastic Daylong Retreat on Awakening

Join Ajahn Kovilo and Tan Nisabho for a day of meditation and teachings on the Bojjhangas, or Seven Factors of Awakening, Sunday, July 10th online. Hosted by Bellingham Insight Meditation Society (BIMS), the retreat will delve into how we can cultivate qualities such as energy, mindfulness, samadhi in order to find peace in meditation and in life.

Sun. July 24th – Dhamma Talk and Q&A with Ayya Santussikā & Ayya Cittānandā (In-Person & Online)

Join us for a Dhamma talk followed by Questions & Answers with Ayya Santussikā and Ayya Cittānandā, at Seattle First Baptist Church’s Fellowship Hall on Sunday afternoon, July 24th, from 3:00 to 5:00 PM. Registration to this event is highly recommended and if you plan on attending online via Zoom, it is required in order to receive a Zoom link to attend. You may register by clicking this link.

Sat. July 30th – The Joy of Missing Out: A Monastic Daylong Retreat on Letting Go (In-Person & Online)

Join monastics Ajahn Kovilo, Bhante Suddhāso, Tan Nisabho, and Ayyā Somā for a day of meditation and teachings on letting go Sunday, July 30th, from 9-5 pm at Fauntleroy Church and online. As we develop in the practice, our hearts begin to move from coarse to more refined states and sources of relationship and refuge, a process of letting go that can be cultivated systematically in meditation and daily life. With decades of collective experience in robes, these four monastic teachers help us move from a place of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) to one of JOMA (Joy of Missing Out) in which we delight in relinquishing the unwholesome attachments which so easily dominate our lives. You may register by clicking this link.